
North Queensland

Utazas, barangolas a vegtelenbe, ujabb felfedezesre varo teruletek egy Europa meretu kontinensen. Falni a vegtelen utakat, indulas Birsbane-bol; dimbes-dombos utakon, amelyek az autopalyabol par 100 km utan ketsavos mezei utakka szukulnek. Ez Queensland…irany QLD kozepe es (“vege”): irany Eszak, uticel:Townsville. (* a bejegyzest 2020 Oktober 5. – en kezdtem el irni, ami egyben itt piros…

Roller Coaster – Goodbye Brisbane

“If you master your passions, authentic happiness will naturally follow.” Life is often compared to a roller-coaster ride – and for good reason. Some days we’re riding high and feeling unbeatable: other days, we’re down in the dumps, feeling blue, angry, or even cursed, as if the world were out to get us. When you…

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